Watching three channels on one TV at the same time
Have you ever had this problem when you have one TV set and everybody in your family wants to watch his or her favorite show when you are watching a football game? If you had that situation then you know how frustrating it can be to „fight“ for your TV.
The Sharp Company has solved this problem for you. You would ask how they did it. May be by giving you the second TV set for free when you buy one? No, no, no. It is much simpler and much more sophisticated at the same time.
This company has created a TFT display that can show you three different pictures at the same time. It does not divide the screen in three parts it does something better. When you look at it watching your favorite show you do not see what your neighbor is watching and it is very cool.
The thing is that this gadget display can show different pictures for people looking at it from the different angles. If you sit right in front of the TV set you see one picture, if you sit a little bit on the right from the center viewer you see another feature and finally sitting on the left from the center you see the third picture. This feature will make it possible to watch three different channels on one TV set.
It is amazing but it is true it works so you should see how it works. The way this gadget works is a little complicated to me but they have some kind of parallax barriers. The parallax barriers divide the light that goes from the screen and sends it to three different ways. Thanks to this technology all the three people sitting and watching TV can watch whatever channel they want.
The only thing that becomes a problem in this case is the sound. However, I think that it would no be difficult to divide the sound. This way you can put the headphones on and watch the TV.
I think that this gadget screen might be also useful in the car. This way you would only have to install one screen in the car and the passengers would be happy. The driver can be watching some GPS information or something like that. The passenger sitting in front can watch whatever he or she would like and the passenger sitting on the back seats can watch a movie.
Besides, this technology can be also used in the commercials and on the street posts and stuff like that. People would see different commercials when they come from different directions.
I think that this gadget is amazing and it can actually be useful for many people. I would definitely buy one and would advise you to buy one as soon as they appear on the market. I think that this gadget would be a very popular product because of its functionality.
das isch au mol öppis, e „alti“ technik im fernseh z verwende 🙂
aber weisch was: wenn de nid ganz in dr mitti und nid ganz rechts sitzisch, denn gsehsch uf jedem aug verschiedeni sender 😉
üüühhh *idee*
wenn de genau so würdsch sitze, wie du grad seisch, denn chönnt me so e 3d-effät erzüüge, indäm de uf 2 kanäl 1x l.aug und 1x r.aug abspiilsch…ql
jaaa, genau, und das wird au scho so gmacht:
…d wält isch mängisch gemein gäll – do meinsch hesch öppis neus erfunde, derbii gits es scho lang.
cool, keine problem meh, was me luegt…
me chönnt jo denn au zwei sändige glichzytig luege
@longneck: verdammt, all die guete idee sin scho wäg… ^^
@luke: boah, ächts multitasking 😉 aber gege wärbig wärs scho no ql
Wi!!iam Wa!!ace
@topic hehe geili sach
tjä aber au wenn du öbbis neus erfinde duesch, dr Edison, chasch net schlo, dä het näbscht de Glühbire no de Zemänt erfunde und vieles mehr, am ändi het er meh wie 1000patänt iglöst in de USA!
und usserdäm so wie ich das gseh, cha mr praktisch eh nüt meh erfinde, du chasches züg nur verbessere/praktischer mache…
cool stuff!! if i had a tv which i unfortunately don’t i’d want one of these „gadgets“ 😉