
Das Leben ist immer anders als die Realität.


Dave, 12. Mai 2005, 15:47 Uhr

Warning: Use of undefined constant ri_rand_compare - assumed 'ri_rand_compare' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 129 Warning: Use of undefined constant ri_rand_compare - assumed 'ri_rand_compare' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 130 Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 4 in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 1384 Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 4 in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 1384 Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 4 in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 1384 Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 4 in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 1384 Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 4 in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 1384 Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 4 in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 1384 Warning: preg_match_all(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 4 in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 700 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 707 Warning: preg_match_all(): Compilation failed: invalid range in character class at offset 4 in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 700 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 707

longneck, du mac-checker, i ha e froog:

mi finder startet sich us unersichtliche gründ immer nach 2 sekunde neu…
(=> unbruuchbar)

Wi!!iam Wa!!ace

WTF == World Terrorists Force ???

UrBaN 4102

WTF= What the fuck!!! idiot



all 2 sekunde? isch das in dr schuel? abmelde, neu amelde probiert? schaffsch uf netzlaufwerk?
mängisch chas drum si, dass wenn e netzlaufwerk länger het zum antworte, dass denn dr finder crasht – analog explorer.exe.


nei, bi allne andere accounts funsz…???
reboot, serverneustart und aamälde nützt nüt…


neue account erstelle? ;-P


dörfi nit, scheiss schuel…


das het öbbis… 0:-)

Wi!!iam Wa!!ace

Tiger druff installiere, wenn de Panther druff isch 😉


nid immer isch e neueri version besser/stabiler…

usserdäm: das neuinstallier-und-problem-glöst dänke isch eifach lame – do lernsch nüt!

Wi!!iam Wa!!ace

für e user isches nur wichtig obs lauft oder net, dass de no öbbis lernsch debi isch doch de meischte egal!!


jo, uff das chasch no laaaang warte!

scho sunscht duurt alles jooohre


de fehler lit höchschtwahrschinlich bim computerrumserver :/ alli istellige werde vo det glade.

@dave: goto weiss

Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in /home/httpd/vhosts/ on line 1