Claude, 16. Februar 2015, 12:06 Uhr
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Was die Datenschleuder für Hacker ist, ist The Inner Journey für Studenten auf dem Hermetischen Pfad. Eine wahre Schatztruhe an ergänzenden Texten, Erklärungen und Erläuterungen über das Leben, das Universum und den ganzen Rest. Toll gestaltet, einfach geschrieben. Die Antworten auf alle Fragen, die ich mir während der vergangenen Jahre gestellt habe!
Hier ein paar Überschriften, nur um zu zeigen, um was es geht:
Über Seelenverwandte. Der Adept. Schmerz. Muster. Das Problem der Versorgung. Initiation. Wachstum. Weisheit liegt mehr in den Fragen als in den Antworten. Die innere Stimme. Über LICHT. Das „Richtige“ tun. Nicht-Einmischung. Risiko: Das Gewürz deines Lebens. Ein Kommentar über den Pfad. Karma = Bestrafung? Sinn für Humor. Das Mysterium der Zeit. Mysterienschulen, eine Übersicht. Die Reise des Narren.
Über-Episch! Ein 130-seitiger Liebesbrief von meinem Schutzengel.
The Inner Journey – what it is
The Inner Journey is a an instructional adjunct to the Quabalistic Mystery School teachings and training – the Western Esoteric Tradition. It is a commentary on the transformational problems and principles of students on the Qabalistic-Hermetic Path. A more exact analogy – if you were taking a difficult college course, The Inner Journey would be the equivalent of a personal tutor, clarifying obscure or difficult areas of the subject being studied. The Inner Journey is not a source of basic Qabalistic Cosmology; that is the province of the Mystery Schools. The Inner Journey does not coerce or even advise certain courses of action or esoteric practice. It tries to clarify the principles involved and leaves the student to choose.
[The] widespread communication [with readers from all over the world] has given me a sense of how similarly the process of the Path of Return operates, no matter the language or geographic location. Hence, questions sent from one area apply to all and the answers printed are universal in application.
For Inner Journey readers who are into computers, the IJ is done primarily on a 386 IBM clone, in Word Perfect, and printed on a Hewlett-Packard LaserJet 11, in either Korinna or Souvenir 11pt. typeface. Other typefaces are used occasionally. I bought a much bigger hard disk and have replaced the floppy drives since I started the IJ, and my very good HP Laser printer is now getting quite old and must be replaced soon. Way to go! Keith and I have collaborated on purchasing a library of scalable typefaces which we needed for this work. He does the formatting of the IJ text and graphics in Ventura for Windows.