Silk Road wurde beschlagnahmt.
Diese Regierung muss fallen! Alles nehmen sie uns weg. Silk Road, unsere Agora.
Unsere Regierungen handeln selber illegal Drogen, und zwar „by an order of magnitude“. Dabei machen sie Staatsschulden, verlangen Steuern, und wir kleine Bürger sollen dafür schuften?
Das muss ein Ende haben. Diese Regierung muss fallen.
„The state is the primary source of violence, oppression, theft and all forms of coercion,“ Silk Road wrote to us. „Stop funding the state with your tax dollars and direct your productive energies into the black market.“
Hier ist unser Held:
Ross Ulbricht, a.k.a. The Dread Pirate Roberts.
A 29-year-old living in San Francisco. „I studied physics in college and worked as a research scientist for five years,“ Ulbricht says on his LinkedIn profile. „Now, my goals have shifted. I want to use economic theory as a means to abolish the use of coercion and agression amongst mankind… I am creating an economic simulation to give people a first-hand experience of what it would be like to live in a world without the systemic use of force.„
Danke Ross, für alles, was Du für uns getan hast. Silk Road war weit mehr als bloss „ein Drogenmarkt“. Es war eine Familie. Im Silk Road Forum habe ich Texte von Menschen gelesen – Menschen, die ich nicht kannte – die mir die Tränen in die Augen getrieben haben. So schonungslos offen und ehrlich. Wir gaben uns gegenseitig Halt und Unterstützung, tankten Energie und führten Gespräche, die das Leben in dieser Welt der Masken und Fassaden etwas ertragbarer machen. Das ist es, was Anonymität bringt: Die Menschen können sich mal so richtig auslassen, ohne Angst vor Verfolgung, Repression, oder Angriffe auf ihre Persönlichkeit. Weil man kennt sie ja nicht.
Die Erinnerungen an tiefe philosophische Diskussionen im Silk Road Forum, eine unzensierte, direkte Informationsquelle und eine liebenswürdige Gemeinschaft bleiben für immer in unseren Herzen.

The heroes of human history are rarely, if ever protected in their time. Usually, they are tortured, murdered, and thrown in prison because of their courage and ability to teach radically new modes of life.
DPR was no expert. He was a hippie physics major who saw a better way and sought to make it happen. He had the courage to do what no one else would do, and look what he has created. I have seen some of the powerful minds the Silk Road has gathered—think what we can do now, with the confluence of people here?
The Silk Road was an oasis of justice and creativity in a world of state-sponsored thievery, terrorism, and normalcy. I hope to see „the Silk Road Movement“ continue on to enrich our vision further than even DPR could have imagined.
You know as well as I do we are not going to lay down. We will not spend our lives paying the salaries of our aggressors. The patterns of history are well-defined. Surveillance states always signify the end of the growth period of a culture. The most unique and creative minds are pressed down and killed off starting from birth. If our „leaders“ wish to rule a civilization like that, so be it. We will create our own.
Long live Silk Road.

Ross Ulbricht —
Huch, welche Parallelen …
Die Familie Ulbricht, naja sagen wir mal die „Ulbricht-Gemeinschaft“
hat sich schon immer für die Marktwirtschaft eingesetzt.
Da gab es in der ehemaligen DDR Walter Ulbricht, den
SED – Vorsitzenden, der von den Russen gemassregelt wurde,
als er, vom westdeutschen „Wirtschaftswunder“ angeregt,
die damals herschende Planwirtschaft lockern wollte.
Die heutige „herrschende Klasse“ ist offenbar der Demokratie
Sie wünscht offenbar den Technopol, eine Gesellschaft,
in der Wenige mittels digitaler Methoden die Massen
versklaven werden.
Eine Gesellschaft,in der eigenes Denken ausgeschaltet
ist und durch Konsum ersetzt wird.
Derweil die „Herren“ dann ihr „eigenes Ding“ machen.
Achja, jeder, der im Internet eine Leistung anbietet,
ist nicht anonym.
Dies gilt interessanterweise nun auch für versteckte
Dienste im Tor – Netz, wie dein Beitrag wirkungsvoll
Auch wissen wir nun, was die NSA in diesem Netz
wollte, was dort also ausgespäht wurde.
Respekt, Ross Ulbricht!

Die Krypto war schon wasserdicht. Aber Ross konnte seine Füsse nicht stillhalten:
„I did an interview with Forbes“
…da braucht’s nicht mal Kryptologen, um ihn zu finden.

Ist ja klar, Claude, ich mein‘ ja auch nicht die
Kryptografie, auch wenn das Prizip der „elliptischen Kurven“
gerade im Fallen ist.
Ich meine das Drumherum, das fängt mit aktiven Inhalten
auf den Webseiten an, und hört nicht mal beim Geld auf.
Alle Quelle jedes Ungemaches auf dieser Welt ist das Geld!
Schon unser sehr geachteter Wau Holland sagte:
No hack for money!
Aus ist es mit Anonymität und Sicherheit, wo das Geld
Denn Irgenwann musst du an die Öffentlichkeit treten,
trotz Bitcoin und Co. musst du die Penunse ja irgendwo
Verdienst du dann noch gut genug und gehst keinen Pakt
mit den anfragenden Geheimdiensten ein, wird die den
Staat steuernde Hochfinanz ebend ihre Büttel, die Polizei,
aussenden und Deinen Aktivitäten den Garaus machen.
Das hat dann mit Krypto überhaupt nichts zu tun, da
hast Du Recht.
Eher damit:
Verkaufe ich mich an die Geheimdienste, wie etwa Herr Zuckerberg
oder bleibe ich ala „no hack for money“ im Schatten?
Ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters in arms,
It is with a heavy heart that I come before you today. A heart filled with sadness for the infringements of our freedoms by government oppressors, and a heart filled with sadness for the pain that all of you whom have lost everything are feeling.
Silk Road has fallen.
Whilst this is devastating to me personally on so many levels, and I will not be commenting on the arrest of any person portrayed by the media as „Dread Pirate Roberts“, it serves to strengthen my resolve to fighting the hands of Law Enforcement that are committed to strangling personal freedom from our bodies, demonstrating a lack of conscience and justice on their part in the process. They will stop at nothing to enforce the unjust laws created and maintained by the societal and governmental framework within which they operate, and the actions of one persona, the Dread Pirate Roberts, has managed to stymie their efforts for two and a half years.
Think about that for a moment.
Dread Pirate Roberts – as a persona – has singlehandedly kept world governments at bay for two and a half years. This idea that this one entity can successfully thwart the phenomenal resources and bloodthirsty power of numerous governments for so long is something that should be taken to heart, and never forgotten. We have the power to fight these agents of oppression, to fight the governments that task them with that oppression, and with the fires that Silk Road has stoked in our hearts and minds we must do just that.
Dread Pirate Roberts has shown that free people can engage in consensual free-market transactions for any good or service that they desire without societal or community breakdown, nor the need for enforcement from jackbooted thugs. Silk Road as an experiment has shown that the idea of the free-market is one that works, and works exceptionally well.
We must stand on the shoulders of this tragedy that has befallen us and raise high what still remains – our sense of community, freedom and justice. No doubt we will all regroup elsewhere, and I look forward to seeing all of you again, still free and still engaging in free trade without government interference into your personal affairs.
Whilst Silk Road may have fallen, its spirit will spring eternal. The spirit of this community that has inspired and helped so many will continue to live on regardless of what governments wish to say about it. It has been an absolute pleasure serving and working with all of you, and I sincerely wish you all the best for the future wherever you choose to go.
The Dread Pirate Roberts is a revolutionary, a comrade in arms and a true hero who will live on as such in our hearts and minds without fail for as long as we breathe. His ideals and sacrifices will never be forgotten, and they will spur the next generation of revolutionaries into action against oppression.
To the members of Law Enforcement that are no doubt reading this, many of you may have received pats on the back and „high-fives“ from your peers. You may feel good now, ecstatic even, but I urge you to consider the effects of your actions. You are going to see more bloodshed on our streets (note „our“, not „your“, for those streets belong to the people), and more dealer on buyer violence as free people that wish to engage in activities that harm none are forced to return to their previous methods of securing the goods that they wish to put into their own bodies. That blood is now on your hands, and the hands of the politicians that you live to serve and serve to live. I pity you, for as long as you live to serve you will never know freedom.
To the community at large, you have been nothing short of incredible. Keep fighting the good fight, and never let they who are bound by the chains of law tell you that you are not permitted to be free simply because they are shackled themselves. Governments tells us that we are free but the reality is that the moment we are born we are shackled by the rule of law. Government has no place in a free society, and we need to make sure that they who deem it their right to take away the natural rights of others as free beings are made fully aware of that.
Take the fight wherever it is needed, and support every effort to take your government down. You are justified in those actions as they would not hesitate to take you down for standing up for your freedom.
„Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed.“
– Martin Luther King Jr.
It has been an honor and a privilege to be part of something so incredible with all of you.
Until we meet again, brothers and sisters.