
Das Leben ist immer anders als die Realität.

Why we will never win the war on drugs

Claude, 2. August 2013, 09:12 Uhr

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War on drugs: Prison population increased 800% since its start

1. The government and corporate powers have it strongly in their interests to keep drugs illegal. The police forces are largely funded by drugs, either via taxation to support the war on drugs or via direct asset seizure related to the war on drugs. If drugs are legalized, police budgets are going to free fall and a lot of police are going to lose their jobs. Agencies like the DEA will essentially be obsolete. The police also gain a lot of power because of the war on drugs, if they smell weed in your car or house they can search you, they can arrest people for drug charges and offer them plea deals to snitch on targets the police are interested in, they get all kinds of paramilitary toys to try to fight the war on drugs, etc. The politicians love the war on drugs because it directly funds a lot of their friends, in the case of republicans it funds their friends in the private prison industry, in the case of the democrats it funds a huge portion of people who go to college for sociology and social services degrees. In fact, a lot of sociologists and people in social services have absolutely no skills and make the bulk of their money by teaching classes that people who are arrested with drugs are court ordered to attend, or by being „drug abuse specialists“ and working at facilities that people who are arrested with drugs are sentenced to be held at. Many millions of jobs will be lost if drugs are legalized, and billions of dollars going to private industry will no longer be going there, and these are the same private industries that pump tons of money into the campaigns of politicians. So essentially we have a conspiracy to keep drugs illegal between the police, politicians, and major corporations ranging from the private prison industry to the pharmaceutical industry.

2. We are bombarded with propaganda through every possible channel, this propaganda is funded by the government with our tax dollars. If you support drug legalization the fact is that you are still forced to help fund propaganda that tries to convince people that drugs should not be legalized. If you donate $100 a year to a pro legalization effort, it doesn’t matter because you are forced to give even more money to the government so they can spread an opposite message. Also, the government has total control over the public school system, and they censor our ability to spread drug legalization messages through the school system or to teach honest truth. It is against the law in debate classes at public schools in the USA to advocate for drug legalization, but it is not against the law to advocate against drug use. There are many government funded and mandated programs such as D.A.R.E. teaching inaccurate information to the majority of every generation of children, which is obviously a very effective method used to brainwash people. Children will believe whatever they are told by authority figures when they are young, this is evidenced by the fact that children are regularly convinced that a magic man who lives in the sky came down to earth and was nailed to a cross for their sins. Children have plastic and easily molded brains, and the government maintains a monopoly on the primary source used to mold these brains, and these children grow up into voting adults with soldified brains that have little chance of changing regardless of the evidence shown to them in favor of legalization. Additionally, the government uses its forfeited assets and control of the media in order to spread propaganda through other media as well.

3. The media has it in its best interests to cast drugs in a negative light. Not only is the media closely associated with the government, but they are also in the business of entertainment. They need to scare people and emotionally manipulate people in order to get higher ratings. They will do this with drugs by cherry picking the most horrible drug stories and making them seem like they are the norm rather than extremely exceptional, they will use drugs for fear mongering etc all in the name of ratings and of course supporting the government. This is not limited to the news reporters but even to people making television shows and such, most of them have absolutely no motivation for casting drugs or drug users in a good light, with few exceptions such as Weeds. For every show like Weeds there are a hundred shows that propagate misinformation about drugs and cast them in a negative light, this is a form of propaganda but most people don’t even recognize this.

4. The religious leaders are absolutely against drugs because they compete with traditional religion. If people can get spiritual and religious experiences from LSD and such it could compete with the people who turn to religion for spirituality. None of the major religions endorse drug use and almost all of them are very against drug use of any kind, many are against even alcohol, nicotine and caffeine let alone LSD or marijuana.

5. The Supreme Court can interpret the law however the hell they want, and everybody thinks that whatever they determine must be the truth. We are promised religious equality but some religious organizations are given exceptions from the controlled substance act, whereas people using LSD for spiritual experiences are still routinely imprisoned. The federal government has grown more and more powerful all with the help of the traitors in the Supreme Court interpreting the law however they see fit. How can the federal government possibly have the right to prevent people from growing marijuana in their own homes?! The Supreme Court says that you growing marijuana in your own home has an indirect effect on interstate commerce and therefor can be regulated by the federal government. The Supreme Court says that certain members of Native American religions can use Peyote, and members of certain South American religions can use DMT, but people cannot use marijuana even if it is part of their religion, and I sure as hell cannot use LSD even though it is the only drug that routinely gives me religious experiences. It is clearly unconstitutional, but the traitors in the Supreme Court do not care their only interest is in pleasing the Drug Conspirators.

6. Nobody really gives a fuck about drug users except other drugs users. It is actually to the advantage of non-drug users if drug users are marginalized. If a job will not hire people who fail drug tests, that means there are more jobs available for people who do not use drugs. It is always better to be an Aryan in Nazi Germany, and very few of the Aryans are going to defend the Jews.

7. Drug felons are banned from voting in much of the USA, drug legalization activists are frequently put under surveillance and arrested for drug related crimes, drug felons are prevented from obtaining state sponsored funding for colleges and are highly discriminated against in the work force and housing market which very often leads to their perpetual imprisonment and inability to influence the political system in any way.

8. Drug criminals are cheap labor. Prisons often force drug prisoners to do work for cents an hour, not to mention manual laborer jobs are some of the only ones available to many drug offenders. Not to mention the prison system makes money simply by housing drug slaves.

These are only a few of the reasons why I think we will never win the war on drugs. No matter how much money we voluntarily spend on drug education, we will never match the amount of money the federal government violently forces us to pay on drug propaganda. No matter how truthful our message is, we will always be prevented from sharing it through the school systems, we will always be prevented from sharing it through the television networks etc. No matter what the constitution or law says to our favor, the Supreme Court will always interpret it away. There is absolutely nothing in our favor and every unfair advantage is in the hands of the government and anti drug crowd. The only advantage we have is the truth, but the truth doesn’t mean shit to most people and most of them are not even capable of recognizing the truth. The more I think about how unfairly fucked we are and discriminated against we are and persecuted and *enslaved* as we are the more angry I get. I wish that somebody would blow up some anti drug crusaders already, sometimes I think the only way we will stand a chance of ever being free from this slavery is if those who oppress us start to feel the pain of oppression themselves. As it stands they have absolutely nothing to lose from the war on drugs and everything to gain, they have all of the power and we have all of the weaknesses, nothing is going to change until the prohibitionists start to suffer just as much as we do. We cannot use the political system because a huge percentage of us are banned from voting, we can not teach our beliefs through the public school systems because it is illegal to, for every dollar we spend on pro drug legalization programs the federal government forces us to spend ten dollars on anti drug propaganda, the richest most powerful people in the world make much of their money and derive much of their power from drugs being illegal, the media lies to the people and the justice system has turned a blind eye to us at best and at worst they interpret our rights away. What else can we do but violently confront them or remain as slaves forever? It seems like they have left us no choice but violence.

Quelle: Silk Road Forum

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