Spiritual journey (food for thought)
Ich war heute wieder im Deepweb, und fand da sehr anregendes Zeug. (VERWUNDERLICH ICH WEISS). Ich werd’s hier einfach unten einfügen, zusammen mit der Video-Serie, die veröffentlicht wurde. Stoff zum Nachdenken.
–Zcakes posted 7 hours 45 minutes ago:
So I was on 4chan today, and found some really thought provoking stuff.(SURPRISING I KNOW) I’m just gonna paste it below, and leave the video series that was posted. Some food for thought.
“We are the universe perceiving itself.”
I heard this quote a while back and I have been really thinking about it. I am a human being. A living, breathing, thinking creature that walks this earth. I have my 5 senses that I use to gather and process information around me. My brain is a never ending series of electrical synapses. Is that what my thoughts are? Just electricity running through my brain? There has to be more than that. I have heard that the brain remembers everything it has ever perceived. Literally everything. We just forget these things because it would be potentially dangerous for memories from 3rd grade to pop up during everyday life. If the brain stores everything, is it possible that infinity lies within my own head? And my thoughts… What happens to thoughts after they have been created? Do they simply disappear when I stop thinking them? No, I don’t think they do. Thoughts are very abstract, yet tangible things. When I think of something, my brain tries to interpret those thoughts into words, yet words always seem to fall short. But what is a thought if it isn’t in the form of words? I believe that when I think, my thoughts go somewhere very real. How else would it be possible to convey these to others?
We are all gods creating vast worlds through the thoughts we create every day. But if we are gods, then who rules over us? Is there really some divine being out there, judging us, deciding what will happen to us? No. We are all one in the same; Different aspects to a large puzzle that doesn’t quite make sense to us yet. How else would it be possible that literature written thousands of years ago still applies to us today? We all feel we are so much smarter and more advanced than those who lived in the past. But why? Because we have internet access, or that we can build skyscrapers? Technology can be a very great thing, but we have become much too dependent on it. We are no more civilized that those who lived thousands of years ago. We like to think we are when we follow societal norms. But what does this society create? Independent, free-thinking individuals? No. If the oil stopped flowing tonight we would become savages. We would be killing each other over food.
We are simply animals who feel the need to play dress-up so that we can feel superior to others. We put on our suit and tie so that we can ignore how insane this world is. Because ignorance is strength. Why would we possible want to question our existence when we can sit in our comfortable houses, and drink or smoke ourselves into oblivion? And if all these people actually are happy, why can’t I be as well? Why can’t I be happy with where I am at in the world? I can honestly say that I am quite content with what I have. I don’t feel the need to buy everything that is marketed to me, or jump on every bandwagon. But I still feel empty. Right now I am one of the luckiest people on the planet. I never have to worry about food, clothing, shelter, or entertainment. I am going to a great school with loads of good people. Yet I feel like something is missing.
I am no longer content with just going to classes and staying in my dorm all day. I am yearning to be myself, but I feel pressure to act in ways that will please everybody but me. I long for a state of mind in which I would feel comfortable in my own skin no matter what the social situation. Where I could have conversations with others without feeling inferior. Where I could actually contribute something and have others learn from me and not the other way around. Yet I constantly shelter myself. I constantly tell myself that my contributions would not be taken seriously. I am a living, breathing, thinking human being, with a brain that could quite possibly be the very reality in which I live. And I choose to create a reality in which I do not matter. Why?