Daniel, 8. Juni 2011, 23:02 Uhr
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1954 versammelten sich die „Bilderberger“ unter strengster Geheimhaltung erstmals im niederländischen Hotel de Bilderberg. Seitdem treffen sie sich einmal im Jahr in den vornehmsten Hotels der Welt. Was dort hinter verschlossenen Türen beraten wird, bleibt unter Verschluss. Und die Massenmedien schweigen ebenso…
Vor 2 Jahren tagten sie in Griechenland, letztes Jahr in Spanien und aktuell in unserer schönen Schweiz in St. Moritz! Griechenland geht es wirtschaftlich gesehen beschissen und mit Spanien sieht es nicht besser aus. Besteht zwischen diesen Krisen ev. ein Zusammenhang mit den Bilderbergern? Hat es ev. eine spezielle Bedeutung, dass sie ihr Meeting ausgerechnet in der Schweiz abhalten?
Dann bin ich auf ein Interview von einem Schweizter Banker gestossen, wovon ich hier ein Auszug posten möchte:
Q: Do you think that the Bilderberg meeting in St. Moritz has symbolic value? Because in 2009 they where in Greece, 2010 in Spain and look what happened to them. Does this mean Switzerland can expect something bad?
A: Yes. Switzerland is one of the most important countries for them, because there is so much capital here. They are meeting there because apart from other things they want to destroy all values that Switzerland stands for. You see it’s an obstacle for them, not being in the EU or Euro, not totally controlled by Brussels and so on. Regarding values I am not talking about the big Swiss banks, because they are not Swiss anymore, most of them are lead by Americans. I am talking about the real Swiss spirit that the common people cherish and hold up.
Sure it has symbolic value, as you said, regarding Greece and Spain. Their aim is to be a kind of exclusive elite club that has all the power and everybody else is impoverished and down.
Q: Do you think that the aim of Bilderberg is to create a kind of global dictatorship, controlled by the big global corporations, were there are no sovereign states anymore?
A: Yes and Switzerland is the only place left with direct democracy and its in their way. They use the blackmail of “too big to fail” as in the case of UBS to put our country in big debt, just like they did with many other countries. In the end maybe they want to do with Switzerland what they did with Iceland, with all the banks and the country bankrupt.
Das komplette Interview findet ihr hier: http://noviden.info/article_239.html